Is Your Smartphone Being Hacked

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Statistics indicate that at the end of 2017 there were 4.77 billion mobile phone users around the world. Read Here

Unfortunately even though there is so much news and information about mobile phone hacking and mobile phone interception, the majority of people still do not take mobile phone security seriously and do not use encryption or application protection technology on their mobile phones.

It was recently reported that millions of smartphone users in the United States, and around the world, are vulnerable to being spied-on by the Iranian government and apparently all it takes is downloading the wrong app according to the report. 

SMCS RISK’s Gold lock mobile phone encryption software and the Vault Mobile Phone provide un-hackable mobile protection against any breach or attempt by anyone to intercept your phone calls and/or text messages.

If you are concerned about your personal information, phone calls and text messages being intercepted then contact SMCS Risk to speak to one of our Cyber Security Experts