SMCS Risk Launches First Aid Training In Cambodia

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Under the umbrella of our Health Solutions, SMCS Risk today officially launched its First Aid Training courses in Cambodia.

Listening to requests from many of our clients, SMCS Risk will be providing high standard first aid training in Cambodia, focusing on both individual and occupational first aid training.

Initially providing 4 different first aid courses, SMCS Risk’s qualified and very experienced team of first aid trainers lead by Mr. Jason Harrison, will be providing courses in both English and Khmer language.

‘There is a great need for people in Cambodia to learn basic first aid and become competent first responders so more lives can be saved. Its also very important to learn first aid from trainers who are qualified and experienced – we have that team.” said Jason Harrison, SMCS Risk’s Health Services Director.

For questions relating to our first aid programs or to reserve your position in one of classes, please contact SMCS Risk.